Starting in 1988, Domótica SGTA pioneered in Portugal in the design, installation and commissioning of control and building management systems (BMS).


Our mission is to create innovative solutions form Integrated Buildings Management, which meet its users needs, ensuring comfort, safety and energy efficiency


Innovating for 37 years in Building Automation, Domótica SGTA wants to be a leader in Integrated Buildings Management, involving users in the rationalization of resources and contributing to a sustainable development

Find us

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Domótica SGTA - Head Office
Alameda Roentgen, nº2A 1ºC
1600-759 Lisboa Portugal
 (+351) 21 711 06 60
 (+351) 21 711 06 61
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Invensis- Inov. e Sist. Informáticos
Alameda Roentgen, nº2A 1ºC
1600-759 Lisboa Portugal
 (+351) 21 711 06 60
 (+351) 21 711 06 61
140x140 mapa »
SGTA Angola
Av. 21 de Janeiro,101
Morro Bento - Luanda,Angola
 (+244) 94 565 96 00
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Domótica SGTA
Calle Sílfide nº 5 Local
28022 Madrid - Espanha
 (+34) 91 721 68 49
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Domótica SGTA Moçambique
Av. 25 de Setembro, 1509 - 6º andar, porta 06
Maputo - Moçambique
 (+258) 84 826 50 46